Table of contents
1. Each Morning, Brush Your Teeth and Aligner Trays.
2. Never Eat Or Drink While Wearing Aligners.
3. Before Putting The Aligners Back In, Brush And Floss Your Teeth.
4. Always have a care kit for your aligners.
5. Wear The Aligners As Directed By The Dental Expert
6. Soak Your Aligners Every Day To Keep Them Clean.
7. Know How To Store Aligners
8. Carry Your Aligner Case At All Times.
9. Regularly Schedule Dental Checkups
10. Our Two Cents
11. FAQs
Are you one of the lucky people born with the perfect set of teeth? If not, we advise using dental aligners to straighten your teeth so you can smile confidently. Clear aligners are one of the most efficient and discreet ways for teeth straightening.
A straighter smile significantly boosts one's confidence. In addition to looking good, properly aligned teeth can reduce digestive issues and gum disease risk.
Despite being easy to use, direct-to-customer aligners might have some negative consequences if they are not correctly cared for just like with any other Orthodontic treatment. Knowing how to maintain optimum oral hygiene for ideal results is crucial.
Are you concerned about potential problems associated with wearing aligners? Let us discuss all the right things you should be doing.

Each morning, brush your teeth and aligner trays
Try to make cleaning your teeth and washing your trays a morning ritual. Cleaning aligner trays helps stop germs from forming overnight on the trays. Last but not least, you must do this routine every night before bed to maintain excellent oral hygiene.
Never eat or drink while wearing aligners
The only beverage you may consume while wearing aligners is water. Eating meals while wearing aligners may push food into the gaps and harm the trays. The invisible braces get dirty when stained from beverages like wine or coffee.
Before putting the aligners back in, brush and floss your teeth
You shouldn't assume that the germs are completely gone just because your aligner trays are clean now. Before putting your aligners back in, brushing and flossing your teeth is equally crucial.
Your mouth is free of food particles caught by brushing and flossing. Therefore, make sure your mouth is fresh and clean before putting the aligners back on your teeth.
Always have a care kit for your aligners
Your aligners need regular maintenance, but most people must remember to pack the necessary cleaning supplies while embarking on long trips. Cleaning or storage must be done carefully since they interfere with the intended results.
For on-the-go aligner care, pack and carry a small bag. Carry the fresh trays with the old ones if you have a long trip to make to keep the treatment routine intact.
Wear the aligners as directed by the dental expert
Concerns about the efficacy of transparent aligners are widespread. The truth is that they do provide the desired advantages, but only when worn continuously. To move the teeth into place, they use steady yet gentle pressure. If you wear them for at least 22 hours daily, you can only experience the desired results. Experts advise wearing them for at least 22 hours each day. You should remove them while eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth.
Soak your aligners every day to keep them clean
To maintain the cleanliness and fresh scent of your aligners, it's recommended to soak them in a mixture of Aligner cleaner and water or a solution of water and vinegar at least once a week. After soaking, brush away any lingering debris, including food or plaque, using a different toothbrush (not the one you use to wash your teeth). After a brief washing, you can finally put them back in your mouth.
Know how to store aligners
The effectiveness of your aligners depends on how you wear and store them. Knowing how to keep aligners is essential to ensure they maintain their integrity.
Store your aligners in their case after removing and cleaning them. Keep them away from direct sunlight or excessive heat. The high temperatures interfere with the aligner material, rendering it ineffective.
Carry your aligner case at all times
Under no circumstances should you put your aligners anywhere other than the case. Bacteria have the propensity to accumulate if kept outside the case, which raises the possibility that you can lose your aligners.
Keep them securely contained in a case while not in use!
Ensure thoroughly cleaning your aligners before reusing them if you need help finding your case or a place to keep them.
Regularly schedule dental checkups
Direct-to-customer aligners are great for achieving that killer smile, but you still need to visit a dentist for the best results. Scheduling a dental checkup will ensure healthy gums and teeth.
Our two cents
It's crucial to adhere to the advice above if you want to maintain the condition of your aligners and dental hygiene and avoid any harm. Although you should continue to take good care of your teeth and gums, watch out for any potential damage to the trays.
If you have difficulties keeping an aligner clean, talk to your dentist or aligner provider about your choices. To help you keep your mouth clean and your aligners in place, they will provide alternate alternatives specifically designed to address your dental requirements.
1. Why is oral hygiene important?
Dental hygiene is essential for oral health since it lowers your chances of tooth decay and gum disease. Both gum disease and tooth decay may seriously harm your oral health if they are not addressed. To begin with, they may cause uncomfortable or unsightly symptoms.
2. What is the most common oral infection?
The oral bacteria that develops when you forget to brush, floss, and take care of your teeth may cause tooth decay, gum disease, viruses, and other common disorders. This risk affects both adults and children. While some of these infections are minor problems that may be avoided in the near term with excellent dental hygiene, others are more severe and can last for some time.
Some common diseases are:
- Gingivitis
- Periodontal Disease
- Thrush
- Canker Sores