Understanding Different Types of Dental Specialists

Female patient undergoing her treatment discussion with Dental Specialists

Routine dental check-ups are not a norm in society. This negligence often results in compromised dental hygiene. It not only impacts the overall oral health of an individual but also raises concerns about other dental complications. Many people often consider the same dentist for their overall oral hygiene, be it any sort of dental complication.

It is the need of an hour to understand that there are varied dental complications. This is why it is highly recommended to consult your dentists for your routine check-ups. Further, six types of dental specialists address various dental concerns. In this blog, you will get a complete understanding of the different dental specialists and what they specialize in. It will help you choose the right dentist according to your dental concern.

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Types of Dental Specialists

1. Orthodontist

An orthodontist investigating the patient’s oral cavity

An orthodontist specializes in teeth and jaw alignment including teeth straightening, and gaps, and addresses all the related concerns. Orthodontists work with people of all ages and diagnose the underlying issues with the alignment. Moreover, they are also trained to depict what issues can arise in the future due to the alignment.

Having a perfect smile is what everyone looks forward to. However, not everyone has perfectly aligned teeth. Malocclusion and misaligned teeth are common in people of all ages due to several underlying factors. Alignment concerns can further lead to dental issues like gum disease, tooth decay, difficulty in chewing, and more.

If you have any alignment concerns, it is high time that you consult an orthodontist. Your orthodontist will ensure to improve your smile with the best possible course of action. Moreover, depending on the severity of the case, your orthodontist will guide you regarding the treatment duration. The commonly used devices for orthodontic treatments include clear aligners, traditional braces, and lingual braces.

2. Endodontist

Root canal surgery
A doctor showing the model of the tooth

An endodontist specializes in complex tooth problems, mainly the tooth pulp. A tooth pulp is the innermost layer of your tooth comprising nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. It is basically what keeps your tooth alive which is why it is essential to keep its health intact.

Several root issues arise due to tooth decay, injuries, abscesses, or a cracked tooth. An Endodontist majorly diagnoses and treats the complex causes of root issues or tooth pain. One of the most commonly known procedures conducted by endodontists is a root canal. One must reach out to an endodontist when there is tooth pain that does not go away and gets worse with time. Moreover, following multiple procedures are performed by endodontists.

  • Root Canal
  • Endodontic Retreatment
  • Endodontic Surgery
  • Emergency Dental Surgery
  • Tooth Extraction
  • Dental Implant


periodontal surgery
A patient undergoing periodontal surgery

Periodontist is a branch of dentistry that comprises the health of your gums and jawbones. A periodontist is also known as a Gum Specialist. You can consult a periodontist when the health of your tissues is compromised. Moreover, a periodontist will assist you in treating oral issues in your gums, periodontal ligament, cementum, or alveolar bone.

Healthy gums are vital to maintaining your overall oral health. Most of the tooth loss in adults is majorly caused due to poor gums. A wide range of procedures including periodontal maintenance, scaling, periodontal surgery, or root planning are conducted by a periodontist.


dental implant surgery
A patient undergoing dental implant surgery

A prosthodontist specializes in the making of dental prosthetics. Dental prosthetics are used in the replacement of damaged or missing teeth. Your dentist can refer you to a prosthodontist if you have a missing tooth, cosmetic concerns, severely damaged teeth, or any other tooth dysfunction.

A prosthodontist can use any of the following devices to fix your dental issue.

  • Partial dentures
  • Dental Crowns
  • Dental bridges
  • Oral splints
  • Night guards
  • Dental Implants

Pediatric Dentist

Dentists for childern
A little girl sitting in the dentist’s office

Pediatric Dentists as the name suggests are dental specialists for younger people; newborns, toddlers, and young adults. These specialists are trained to maintain the oral health of children. They are responsible for treating oral health issues like uneven bites, tooth eruption, and any other disorders.

With the transition of life, a child undergoes several changes. A pediatric dentist plays a vital role in keeping up with the oral health care of children during this transition period. They assist in routine oral health exams, teeth cleaning, fluoride treatments, cavity removal, repair of dental injuries, gum disease management, and more.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

maxillofacial surgery
Model of the skull for maxillofacial surgery

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons specialize in the treatment of facial reconstructive surgeries. Dentists refer patients to a maxillofacial surgeon for extraction during different procedures. For instance, you might require tooth extraction during your orthodontic procedure of traditional braces. They can further treat misaligned jaws, impacted wisdom teeth, oral reconstructive surgery, or dental implants as well.

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Dental hygiene must be maintained to keep your oral health intact. However, in case of any dental issues, one must consult a specific dental specialist. It will help identify the problem at an early stage to get it cured. You can understand the types of dental specialists that can be your assistance for your respective tooth issues. Moreover, taking oral health seriously and scheduling your routine check-ups can help you with your oral health.


1. When should we visit an endodontist?

You can consult an endodontist when you have tooth pain that does not go away and gets worse with time. Moreover, in case of a root canal or any other tooth pulp issues an endodontist can be your assistance.

2. How long does a braces treatment last?

The treatment duration for braces varies depending on the severity of the case. Your orthodontist can best suggest your treatment duration.

3. Why is oral hygiene important?

To keep your teeth healthy, it is essential to maintain your oral hygiene. With the help of regular brushing and flossing, you can minimize the chances of dental plaque, discoloration, and other stains.

4. What are the different specializations in Dentistry?

The different types of dental specializations include orthodontists, endodontists, periodontists, prosthodontists, Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons, and Pediatric dentists.

5. Who conducts a root canal procedure?

An endodontist is a dental specialist who conducts root canal procedures. Moreover, if you have any other underlying tooth issues you can consult an endodontist.

  • Haruki Tanaka

    Haruki Tanaka

    Content Contributor

    Hailing from New York City, Haruki Tanaka seamlessly blends his love for lifestyle blogging with a passion for oral health. A dedicated ALIGNER32 user, Haruki shares his experiences navigating the vibrant urban landscape of New York City while undergoing teeth alignment. His blogs capture the intersection of contemporary American lifestyles... Read More

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